Project People
This project is conducted largely by the people in the Forest Soils Lab which is part of the Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station (AFES) within the Institute of Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Extension (IANRE) at the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF).
The Forest Soils Lab generates new knowledge about boreal forest dynamics to meet the needs of scientists, policymakers, and the people of Alaska.
The Forest Soils Lab website can be found by clicking on this link

Dr. Jessie Young-Robertson

Dr. Joe Little
Project Co-I
Economy Professor at Northern Arizona University
I will provide my photo and bio soon!
Project PI
Research Associate Professor, IANRE, UAF
Co-director of research in the Forest Soils Lab
Office: 353 O'Neill Building, 905 Koyukuk Dr.
University of Alaska Fairbanks
I have a B.S. in Biology, M.S. and Ph.D. in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (minor in Global Change), and M.Ed. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling. CV can be found here.
I am a boreal forest ecologist who studies the intersection between boreal forest carbon and water cycling and climate change. I work in the field and lab, using classic and state-of-the-art ecophysiological techniques and sensors to capture forest responses to environmental change. I also utilize stable isotopes, using a laser-ablation system interfaced with a mass spectrometer that I recently acquired with an equipment grant from the USDA. I apply Bayesian statistics to integrate multiple sources of field and lab data with models to quantify the responses of boreal forest processes to environmental change and to quantify uncertainty in model parameters.
In addition to being a scientist, I contribute to diversity, equity and inclusion efforts at UAF, and I am the co-founder of Alaska Voices.
In my spare time, I like to travel, write, and paint or draw. Creating art is when I am truly home. I have lived in Alaska since 2009, but I grew up in the amazing and beautiful desert of the southwest.

Art Nash
Energy Specialist, Cooperative Extension Service in the Health, Home & Family Development Office, IANRE, UAF
Since high-school in Colorado, I've studied markets through bachelors and masters studies. I'm now into teaching combustion, thermal retention, and gasification of biomass energy (as well as Healthy Homes). At a personal level, I practice precision muzzleloading with a .44 percussion.

Matt Robertson
Research Professional in the Agriculture and Forestry Experiment Station (AFES), IANRE, UAF
I have a B.S. in Biology, and I have worked at UAF in the Forest Soils Lab since 2008. I'm this project's primary field technician, and I have a myriad of things I do, including engineering new research solutions, programming and troubleshooting dataloggers, installing and managing multiple research sites, data management, and maintaining vehicles (ATV's, snowmachines, lab Suburban). I utilize 3-D printing to develop novel solutions for sensor installations and housings. I am also a licensed UAV pilot and am developing skills in processing and managing data collected with UAV sensors.
In my spare time, I like to travel, spend time outside hunting and ATV-ing, and doing construction.